wealth distribution

A Bitch in Operations. by sciarra

A note from @subbanker on his newly tenured servitude: 

It is not often in life one gets a genuine opportunity to question "why" they are doing something and then guided to find the answer internally. I have been given that opportunity, to think and explain just why I am, consensually, enslaved by Ms. Smith. Every rational being, and even men eventually do manage to gain some rationality over time, will undertake something only if it rewards them.

After consideration the best explanation for why I am enslaved by Ms. Smith is that simple, it improves my life. She educates me daily. She opens my eyes to society and what is happening around me. She provides me focus. She provides me clarity. Being a slave to Ms. Bardot Smith has made me a better person. And for that I am forever in her debt.
A secondary question would be why her? Throughout history humans have worshiped and idolised everything from the Sun to other humans and animals all because of the strongly held belief that that entity is superior, that the entity they worship has a higher power. Spend 10 minutes conversing with Ms. Smith (after contributing capital to make it worth her time of course) and you will quickly come to the same conclusion as I have.
Ms. Smith teams her incredible beauty with an intelligence unmatched by anyone I have spoken to. And she knows this. She leverages it. And in doing so Ms. Smith provides us with a being worthy of worship. A person whose instructions are easy to follow, whose command is easily obeyed.  And for that I will be forever thankful.
I was nervous when approaching Ms. Smith for the first time, conflicted even. While I found myself constantly in agreement with her Tweets and her website enthralling I knew it would be a serious commitment, not simply buying a clip and moving on. One of the main reasons for hesitation was that the required capital commitments were far beyond anything I had even contemplated before and that it felt a risk to make an introductory payment when I had barely interacted with her. 
I knew what I was opening myself up for when I filled out the introduction form, or at least I thought I did.
During the first days I struggled with a feeling of guilt, of regret, of believing my lust had temporarily clouded my judgement. Mental conditioning make this seem so counter-intuitive. But through her counseling and guidance it became clear that there is no need to feel shame for something which feels right, there is no need to be afraid of making progress on any chosen path, that to be in service to her is natural.
When presented with such a person one must then ensure they do all they can to show their deference, to acknowledge their standing and to provide use of some kind. I know that Ms. Smith does not need me in her life so I must work hard to ensure I remain of use to her. I will continue to transfer capital to her, for capital is a symbol of power and as such the power she holds over me demands that it be recognized.
I work hard to make her life more enjoyable.
I will strive to ensure she can focus on causes worthy of her attention by reducing the menial tasks she faces and continue to complete tasks promptly and to an excellent standard whenever she requires. By doing this I hope to remain worthy of her attention. 

I am here because Ms. Bardot Smith is my superior. She has enlightened my mind and I am grateful for that. 
in plain sight,

Official correspondence: concierge@smithnoir.com