
The Story of Your Enslavement. by sciarra

Men in chastity have more integrity. 

Without integrity, one behaves like an undeveloped animal rather than an evolved, sentient soul residing in a human body. Males, due to their hind-brain based sex drive, are in a constant cycle of compromise with their forebrain-located executive and creative functions. This results in ... uncivilized thought patterns, behavior, and -- if the problem is left unchecked on a broad-enough scale -- widespread disorder in society.

Given that this drive exists in the subconscious mind, it's very difficult for men to achieve insight, let alone mastery of their...impulses. This dissonance is, not incidentally, cause of the subconsciously-felt frustration, which is then transferred, consciously, to an object.  

A talented Mistress functions as substitute grey matter....If compelling and sufficiently motivating, that gain perspective allowing males to see above this blindspot. It is integral to evolution that this mechanism operates. But that is a conversation that pertains to macro-ordering best for another day...

Back to the close-at-hand.

Having taken away the motivations for them to subvert their own integrity by re-routing the physical gratification linked to the sex drive, you can retrain the male mind to exist in its higher faculties. 

To Evolve. 

Obviously, I can accomplish this with my own charges. But in an effort to educate on the theory of this practice...

LINK: Here is the story of your enslavement: 

Dominant vs. Dominate - The Vocabulary of Identity by sciarra

Dominant is a status. Dominate is an action.

With the proliferation of the underworld thanks to the internet, themes emerge. And with themes come assumptions and misconception. The number of individuals who are touched in some way by fetishism and expressions of alternate sexual identity is rising. While expansion is a beautiful thing, it also ( by definition) introduces complexity to a system. In an effort to stem the inevitable tide of entropy, I offer my perspective on popular points of confusion. 

This is the vocabulary of identity. 


Some of the most egregious misconceptions center on the concept of dominance. There are no hard and fast rules for what contributes to the presence of a FemDom. Dominance sits at the nexus of her carriage and her attributes. How she expresses her value to the world. 

Dominance is also not inherently linked to sadism, just as not all submissives are inherently masochistic. These status identities are merely a reflection of the presence and natural proclivities of the individual. 

 In essence, dominance is a state of being; it is not an act. 

Dominate / Domination.

Domination is more performative. There are, of course, multiple ways to approach this task, from traditional bondage, interrogation and mind control, sensuality, etc. Its efficacy depends on the charisma and confidence of the domme, naturally. 

A domme may use subtle methods of domination in the world at large, but the idea that a domme is constantly marauding and domineering is a complete misconception. In my own opinion, bratty and manipulative behavior is a sign of insecurity, rather than dominance. I enjoy the natural interplay of energy more than scenes, games, etc.

Besides tangles are best enjoyed consensually, individually, privately. Though, my penchant for efficiency does make me a terrifyingly deserving rinser for those so inclined. (And, if that's you, you know it's only a matter of time, darling. I will see you soon.)


The dynamics at play in the microcosm are merely a distillation of the unspoken dynamics apparent in society at large. 

In the world, you would find me relatively mysterious, with calm reserve. A beautiful and dynamic woman, poised and confident. I choose to share My presence and fetishism with individuals who are like-minded.  

Of course, opening up your presence to a broader environment requires aggression in term-setting. My attitude reflects the strictness of my standards. My insight and leadership are reserved for those who avail themselves to it through demonstrated understanding and respect.

I choose to capitalize my time and attention as a reflection of the dynamics of supply and demand. It's my prerogative to do so in whatever manner makes sense for the individual and engagement. How you are greeted is a function of your energy, and your approach. Do you now understand?

Concisely, I spin a web. 

I will not tell you where the snares lie, only that they exist. Engineered and executed masterfully. And, if this resonates, it is no accident.  

xo, Bardot. 

PS - For more, follow me on twitter

Tinder and Little Boys' Toys. by sciarra

The State of Tech right now is dire. Here's why.

[Please note, this analysis is not complete, open to conversation on it. Some initial, informal thoughts on the industry. Though, my time is at my own discretion, naturally...]

These thoughts are in reference to the *most* recent examples of misogyny and immaturity on behalf of a founder, Tinder's co-founder Justin Mateen and his dust-up with ex-girlfriend and ousted co-founder Whitney Wolfe. But they are certainly not isolated or applicable only to this instance. 

The issue of sexism in tech is not simply of management. The implications are far broader reaching due to the sheer number of people using products. The potential for global reach is not uncommon or unrealistic.

Much of it has been internalized. But unless you're completely unaware and sycophantic, it's nearly impossibly unpleasant to work in or around tech if you're a woman. Especially if you are an alpha....The disrespect of females at large is so engrained that we refuse to even address it as anything other than "natural." It's evident not only in the culture but its produce. 

Apps like tinder. Where women are encouraged to essentially offer themselves up as commodities. And, before you offer the argument that "men do the same thing." Please consider why men are on the app, and if they'd be there if the women were not. Thanks. 

And we are socially conditioned to consider this a success because of its steep user acquisition. But it's socially destructive and run -- like much of techs "successes" -- by manchildren with controlling and abusive tendencies. 

By viewing this as a personal exception (i.e. "He's just a jerk!") we fail to understand that the belief systems at play are responsible for the dynamics of the apps themselves. They are engineered to be in the interest of their creators and those like them. (Here: Beta males who need a shortcut to sex). 

Achieving market relevance is not sufficient proof that one is capable of sitting at the helm of a business that impacts a major segment of the population. The psychological maturity of men in their 20s is not developed, and this is yet another example, not an exception. 

In the past, younger men were initiated into the world of business by older, more experienced men. The ease of building and deploying apps has made it possible to skip this part of traditional career trajectory. Not entirely a bad thing for commerce, but a very nefarious influence in the social development of the industry itself. 

In my opinion, female leadership is resisted precisely because it is potent. But because it cannot be resisted in a direct manner, women are constantly met with passive-aggressive character assassination and resentment. It would be funny if it weren't so fucking common. 

The underlying psychodynamics of these situations are rarely addressed. They're responsible and explanatory of the behavior. But they're also kryptonite to the self-referential wonderland that tech has become. Micro-scale disturbances bubbling up to macro-scale events.

From my perspective, they are difficult to ignore. The center will not hold... 

Processing. by sciarra

Imagine walking up. I am seated at a table. In public. Outside. 

half agony.jpg

Now you are Bowing. 

Transaction briskly Handled. Cash on the table. 

And without a word,

Her eyes sear into your plasma.

You are sent off. With no hope of forgetting. 


You crawl away.

Depleted. Rinsed. 

Did anyone notice? 

Do you even exist? 


xo, Bardot. 

If you've become addicted to My presence yet too fearful to approach, tribute by using Square Cash to email labardotsmith [at] or visit My Fetish Shop

Alpha Status - The Vocabulary of Identity by sciarra

Humans are social creatures. But how you see yourself with respect to the pack makes all the difference. 

What is the nature of the Alpha? 

With the proliferation of the underworld thanks to the internet, themes emerge. And with themes come assumptions and misconception. The number of individuals who are touched in some way by fetishism and expressions of alternate sexual identity is rising. While expansion is is a beautiful thing, it also ( by definition) introduces complexity to a system. In an effort to stem the inevitable tide of entropy, I offer my perspective on popular points of confusion. 

This is the vocabulary of identity. 

Despite mainstream assertions, Society will never be classless. Stratification is real, acknowledged or not.

Previous to the advent of the web, it was easier to see the contours of classes, while seeing into them was a more difficult task. Increased transparency at the hands of omnipresent media has created the illusion of a more flattened society. Where the platforms and infrastructure necessary to propagate ideas were once more tightly held by the ruling class, social media and the relative cheapness of web development have drastically lowered the barrier of entry for individuals with social purpose or agenda.

But this is far from equivalent to leveling the playing field.  The effects are double-edged: 

  • Channels open to Ideas that would previously have little to no chance of reaching public consciousness, and
  • Increased clutter and conceptual replica. 

The arm swings both ways. It's no more evident in an arena where there's money to be made and won such as financial domination. As the fetish itself breaches mainstream consciousness, the influx of interest and participation can be understood with a simple search on twitter for #findom. 

The array of results will fall into several categories. Established practitioners adapting their presences to the web, new entrants focusing on carving niches for themselves, and a herd of replicas in their likeness. In a game where individuality makes all the difference, the use of vocabulary and syntax in communication can be particularly useful as a divining rod. 

Today, the term Alpha. 

To conflate "dominance" with "alpha" status is tempting. At face value, the share some similarities. However, in both theory and practical application, they are independent axes. 

The axis dominant/submissive requires relationship to be defined. While alpha/beta status is an identifier that can be applied to individuals themselves.

A beta individual can be dominant in relation to other betas, for example. While one may be categorically dominant or submissive, the exercise of that status does not manifest completely except in relation to the complement.

The axis Alpha/beta, however, is status-independent. In terms of social organization, an Alpha will default to lead over betas, whether the betas identify as dominant or submissive. Their power is intrinsic and a result of an internal locus of control. Their self-concept is not inspired by relation to others. Therefore, the mark of an Alpha is independence and self-mastery. 

In the social context, both males and females can be alpha. Though the natural alpha female is comparatively rare and behaves differently than her male counterpart, leveraging a different array of skills and talents.  

Alphas are naturally designed to sit atop the social hierarchy due to the strength inherent in their presence. 

Self-mastery on the Order of the Alpha is formidable. For that reason, interacting with an alpha can be a thrilling and mind-expanding experience. You will see that the most elite circles are occupied almost exclusively by natural Alphas. This is true across industry and interest, which is why you will see social (and sexual) overlap at the top. 

The clarity of Mind that comes from inner peace and confidence gives them the perception to navigate any circumstance. For this reason, they will always find their way to the forefront of their chosen fields and social groupings. They are unstoppable. 

Regardless of sexual or relationship proclivities -- which are frankly more fluid in this echelon -- Alphas run society. And you were wondering how it could be so simple for me to penetrate your mind? We are wolves, yet. 

So despite the increased insistence that we live in a classless society, increased transparency has only clarified the true Nature of the stratifications. It was never about wealth and power. Though those naturally follow social dominance. (To the Victor, goes the Spoils.) Instead...

Alpha status has always and will forever be a matter of mastery. 

Now. bow down. 
xo, Bardot. 

Money, Sex, Power. A Case for Financial Domination. by sciarra

A few weeks ago, I did a YouTube video talking about the "value" of paper money. Obviously, this is not typical for the context of financial domination. While some dommes utilize the principles I am about to outline, I doubt that many dommes -- or subs -- have considered the implications of the practice itself. 

Despite the fact that there have been a few copycats of my particular methods, it's clear that none of them have actually grasped what it is that I am conveying through my presence regarding the value of money and the implications of cash exchange as a materialization of power in a dynamic.

So here I am....

Money is a cultural abstract. 

In the next several generations, it is entirely conceivable that paper money will disappear. The reason is that it is a stand-in for value. It has no intrinsic value other than what we have agreed upon collectively. That much is pretty straightforward: A piece of paper is worth basically nothing.


If we print $100 on it, and speak the same 'language' (if you will) then the possession of the bill conveys the 'right to consume' on the order of magnitude of $100 of value in goods and/or services. When economies are working well, this is an efficient way of exchanging value. 

Most recently, we have seen this concept pressed to its conceptual limits with the growing popularity of crypto-currencies. That is, value can now be exchanged between parties on an agreed upon "unit" outside of the traditional federal system, i.e. generation of cycles on a computer as is the case in Bitcoin.

You see, money as a means of value exchange is simply a matter of convenience. Technically, value can be exchanged between parties according to their agreed upon terms and conditions. We use cash because it is the most efficient way of noting the transfer of value in an exchange that we have available to us presently.

To put in the context of financial domination: You want to interact with me, my thoughts, my energy, I extract cash from you for the privilege. If you had not found that My presence was intrinsically compelling and valuable, you would not seek it. Therefore, the exchange of cash is a *natural* notation for the direction of value in the interaction. 

Modern financial markets are behaviorally and structurally different to anything that was previously conceptualized. it is possible to accelerate the transfer of value between parties using technology as a means of encounter, transfer, and ledger.

Again, paper money itself has no intrinsic value other than the 'right to consume.' So, neither buyer nor seller requires knowledge of the cash's history, giving it a certain form of anonymity. But it also means that the provider of cash is, essentially, interchangeable with all other possible providers of cash as far as the seller is concerned. In the case of financial domination where the 'object' is sentient, i.e. the Mistress herself, She is able to control the terms of the exchange to suit her needs or whim. 

Fundamental Value

As the practice of financial domination gains traction, and as practitioners gain more skill and subtlety it will become more common for the attention of females to come with a cost. The practice of findom will bleed out of the strict context of domination and submission and into a more mainstream application, as is the case with My own practice. 

And, as we sit here today (perhaps in large part due to the underground economy) the demand for paper currency is outstripping the potential for that paper currency to be replaced by electronic central bank reserves. (Another argument for the rise of cryptocurrencies... but I digress). 

Perhaps without consciously knowing it, financial domination has taken a place in the natural evolution of this landscape: 

As a disruption to the status quo, and as a reconceptualization of capital itself, superior females have started to realize that if you have something that someone wants, you do not have to give it up unless you're satisfied with the terms of the exchange. (Of course, until this concept is well understood across the spectrum of females, there will continue to be a market flooded with cheap attention, sex, etc. That's a separate issue that I could discuss at length in a later post.)

For now, My point here is that to engage in financial domination is to PRACTICE the EXCHANGE of POWER and VALUE through the very most efficient terms provided for in this economic landscape. It is therefore the most ELEGANT form of psychological domination available to practitioners. 


The Future of Financial Domination

The normalization of innovation into a society or sub-society (where said innovation becomes accepted as a norm) can happen at a gradual pace or through abrupt shocks.

My practice of financial domination does radically reimagine the use of capital in the context of domination and submission, sex and power itself. 

Yes, findom practices vary widely as a function of understanding and tools available to practitioners. But My particular preference (and fetish) is for cash as a materialization of power exchange. I enjoy the use my superior intellect and sex appeal to create an efficient micro-market for capital.

That is, by the way, why I require tribute upfront in order to engage in an interaction at all: It cements the understanding of power dynamics in the interaction and creates a foundation from which a joint venture can be built. It is the "Pass Go" component of the interaction.

We have to remember that money is a human invention, and a human technology. 

I have, in essence, capitalized my existence as a socially and intellectually superior female. To serve Me, is to serve not only Me as a domme, but also My purpose in society and the very concept of powerful femininity. 

Personally, I enjoy the company of men who naturally enjoy supporting a dominant woman in her life and purpose, and who enjoy receiving her insight and presence as a result. I exercise this fetish in an intellectually respectable place, though I maintain extremely high standards for enterting My service. I do not trade on volume but quality, as it takes a very highly sophisticated man to relish this role. 

Financial Domination is, in that respect, one of the most honorable methods of power exchange. A show of respect and homage for the presence of women. The future itself. 

I am not available to discuss these concepts without financial consideration of the value of My time. Though i am happy to discuss most topics at great length with those who understand this basic dynamic.