
Leverage. by sciarra

Financial domination is a tool. It is not my only skill, but the materialization of several of them. I do not do it anything like anyone else I've seen. I actually enjoy it *because* there are so many different ways to do this. But I couldn't be strictly contained to the practice itself. 

It's a lever, if you will. 

Do I believe in female dominance? Yes. Not in the domineering, put-on bully way that we see it represented.

Female dominance is an elegance and confidence in carriage...coupled with a complete NTBFW demeanor. I think it will take a dramatic re-calibration of power within society to evolve to women existing as the fully realized, powerful beings that they are. 

Sometimes equilibriums have to be achieved via action. 

More importantly, I am interested beyond the fetish aspect of this practice I would like to gather support for endeavors that will, inevitably, affect the financial landscape in material ways beyond simply MY bank account. Though, someone smart once told me:


I am seeking funding for a few endeavors -- will happily share a prospectus with qualified parties -- and this should only reaffirm my perspectives. Do I want to deal with the Silicon Valley/Tech/Media circle jerk? No thanks. Subterfuge is a waste of my energy.

The United States is in dire straits. Our economy is a disaster and I'll talk about the dynamics at play with anyone who wants to build their understanding. My background is technical analysis. I have nearly a decade of unconventional experience. I'm tired of working in male-dominated areas, so I peeled off.

Obviously, I appreciate all of My boys and their contributions to My life, knowing their place is to watch Me climb and shine. To provide without interference. Obviously not everyone will agree with my purpose, and that's their business, not Mine. 

So here I am. Taking the lead in the manner that I am accustomed. 

Come what may.