
Brave Enough to Change the Worlds of Business & Sex by sciarra

 I was recently A guest poster for MAKE LOVE NOT PORN.

headed by Cindy Gallop and curated by her Madam Curator, Sarah Beall. 

I chose to focus on the business of the sex industry and how my work here intersects with the financial, technological, and social issues at play.  

An excerpt: 

I am an analyst turned hustler, and a…Mistress. My work presides at the intersection of financial technology, psychology, behavioral economics…and, the dark pool of the adult industry. I am the proprietress of and, a think tank and advisory firm for the intersection of adult industry and financial technology.
At the beginning of operating this enterprise, I chose to embody the ideals of feminine power at all levels of my existence, up to and including my business model. In effect, reversing the concepts of supply and demand in the adult industry to challenge the notion that women who work in any type of “adult” context are only able to operate as a result of male desire, and therefore subject to male power hierarchies, even within the industry.
From the outset, I adopted a unique strategy.

To read the rest of my thoughts on #SEXTECH and the business of KINK, FETISH, and FINANCE, read the full article on their blog. 

If you're not familiar with the MLNP project, it is worthy of the investment of time. Female-powered and innovative, challenging old world views of power, sex, and capital...Just how I like it. 

xo, Bardot.