
A Note from a Throne. by sciarra

A note to submissives and would-be slaves:  If you are afraid of truly submitting, you should not contact me.

I am trained in multiple methods to penetrate your mind. I am not here to make you miserable (at least not unless it is called for) but to be served while I use you for whatever purpose suits me. 

I will fulfill the part of your life that is missing. And I will mold you into the man you secretly wish you were.

But it comes at a premium. 

It is my purpose of being to provide graceful feminine inspiration to the world..or to relentlessly correct imbalances within it.

It is an artform. 

I am here to turn you into my plaything to delight me as I require, to use you to serve my end goals, and to require that you endure the penalties of failing to maintain my good graces. I will break down your mind and your body and the last shreds of your dignity as necessary in order to mold you into a more useful and delightful being.

I maintain only the most well-behaved, generous, and truly subservient pets.

I am so very sorry to say this. (Read: not really sorry at all) as I know it can be difficult to fathom all that this entails, but my attention must come at a premium of some kind. I will not let you defile my attention by wasting my time. 

Confusion makes me sad.

Then it makes me upset. Because now, instead of enjoying my life, it is my duty to correct the…condition…in which you’ve found yourself.

At which point, instead of being the embodiment of femininity, grace, and charm, I am forced to bring a very specific type of personal hell to your earth until morale improves. 

I’ve shared sophisticated company and I have enjoyed the same natural abilities in their polite company. 

Turn in fear. Resist in vain. Or Submit entirely. 

(Although hard limits are *always* respected, I have no hesitation in exploiting all of your various weaknesses in order to test them.)