August One by sciarra

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Hello supplicants & sycophants,

Where have I been? The beach mostly, on both sides of the country. 

Visiting Los Angeles for the first time since I left a few years ago was fun. I stopped by the iWantRadio show @ Vivid Studios and ran their Snapchat for the day. It was fun but most of you just need to buy more clips. <3 Being on the radio was fun and could only be improved by beating idiots realtime on air next that's in the works. Thanks to Bratty Nikki & Dr. Lovejoy for the conversation. 

If you are one of my admitted (or guilty, voyeuristic, etc) cuckolds, you might enjoy hearing from someone I brought on air with me...

Here's the XBIZ release. You can stream the show on Sirius XM 415. You don't deserve photos of my at work OR on vacation, so enjoy this gratuitous 3 second view of my décolletage in a car that *also* isn't yours.

#GYMTW, fools. 

Speaking of Los Angeles. Or any international city, to be honest. A public service announcement. If you are ever so lucky as to be sitting next to me at a club, bless your soul if I do not see you throwing money on the fucking stage. Dancers are *working* *for money* and you are occupying real estate intended for *revenue streams* during the time that labor is being performed. Gross. I am completely unhinged and will humiliate you publicly until you dribble out of the soggy contents of your wallet and disappear from the venue. <3

Moving on. 

I'm moving. Back to New York. I will be available to take your money away from you there.


I have a queue of footage to edit. Motivate me. They may be my last round of "clips" in the format in which clips exist. However, due to ongoing monetization challenges that erotic content still faces, risk does not favor development of my own gateway again circa 2014. But for now: 

Top Selling in July: Spending Makes You Come. 


You lead a fucked up life.

You probably don't get to talk much about your...habits. Who would believe you, even? When you tell them that your cock only gets hard when you spend...But it's true. And you need to pay. It doesn't really matter how frequently you pay. All that matters is that you want you. You want to pay. Deeply. Now. Part of the struggle...what prolongs your that you try to hold on to "your" money. But that's the thing. It isn't yours. That's why it wants to come to me. You want to come to me.

And spending is what makes you come...///

I recently passed the 200 clips mark. Thank me in hard currency. <3

Now. Back to being a mouthy bitch on the internet.

It's been a month since @BARDOTSMITH was suspended on twitter for being a very bad girl...And I'm already back in the twitter oubliette.... Twitter recently gaslit everyone by saying that they don't "shadowban" accounts. But I'm a math psycho with numbers. And, they do. It's not just my account, which has too short of a history to make any provable point. But in summary:  Jack Dorsey remains an unfuckable, nazi loser and coward.

There are obvious personal distribution challenges for my...propaganda. But I am getting around this w strategy Too Distributed for Death. Unfortunately for you, as has been the case for years, my work is designed to generate fractals. I myself exist in a number of capacities, covers, and modes. Chances are increasingly good that you've crossed my work or analysis of it in the world without knowing that I installed it. To assist me in not dying through this critical phase, I am employing the service of @laaaaaaaaani. I pay her, but YYOOOUUUUUU can ALSO fund her admin & dev fees for me so we can BOTH GET MORE DONE. GREAT. THANK YOU. #GYMTW. 

Relatedly, My own network infrastructure as it exists from the perspective of search & conversion has been disrupted severely in the past few weeks so I have a full time development job in order to resurrect and redirect (*cough* monetize). Offer labor, skills, $$$, in ways that *benefit me* or be quiet. By the way, it's sickening that so many of you lurkers & chronic dick beaters persist in your parasitic consumption of other human beings in general whilst they withstand assault for producing the same work you seem to feel entitled to diddle yourselves to for free. It's almost like those attitudes are connected. Oh right. They are.

Fuck off. You're all in debt.

Anyway. Perenially. Don't bother me in DMs or *literally fucking anywhere* on the internet or off without approaching with a gift. You are an unknown member of an audience peering through a keyhole through which you are observing a slice of *my* life. It is certainly not symmetrical. Therefore, approaching me without making an offering as testament to that fact alone is incredibly rude and bumbling. Again, gross. 

If you have contributed nothing to my life, you should have the dignity to remain invisible to me as a result. But furthermore, speaking unemotionally, time is *absurdly* precious. I am not going to run a time deficit in my operations because you're "interested" in saying words @ me but not interested in paying me to listen to them. I am not interested in talking to parasitic voyeurs at all. Ever. About anything. As you can see, I remain quite busy for that. 

Now. Good boys, cuckolds, and financial masochists can always lock up their cocks and call my cell phone:

With my move approaching, try to be useful and if you're utterly incapable, just be quiet.
Mommy is busy.

Xx, Smith.


PS: INDUSTRIAL COMPLEX 4: INTERLOCKING SYSTEMS is this evening. Class is full. See you there. Fuck the police & have a nice day. 


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As some of you know, California is my favorite state that I don't live in. 

I'll be there next week July 14-20.

It's largely a business development trip, with some filming/appointments, AND some relaxation planned. I'll be taking meetings with some people in the cannabis x tech space, terrorizing some local supplicants, hiking in the sun, and eating all the food. 

At this point, my schedule is nearly complete, but I still have some time to spend Sunday or Thursday evening. I especially have time to trips to the dispensary and/or extravagant shopping for lingerie, fetish gear, or whatever else I decide that day. Plus, a rare outside shot at convincing me to have brunch with you somewhere in or around Santa Cruz on Sunday the 22nd. You can inquire about an appointment here

On Wednesday, July 18, I will be taking over the iWANTCLIPS Snapchat account for the day. This is an opportunity for you to see some of my day, possibly interact with me directly, and of course, to be inspired to send me all of my money. <3 Look for an official announcement on their channel and on my new twitter account, @iconoclastiae. You can access my IWC store directly through

Speaking of clips, I am in the midst of releasing a series of clips designed to be consumed together, a mental binding sequence. Several short- and mid-length clips designed to open your mind and reinforce your own inclinations and desires.

But there's always a catch, isn't there? 

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I have about 20 clips queued at this point, and between planning for LA and losing my main twitter & a google index page in one week, I've not had time to process them. An opportunity for you to get caught up on the...uh...material...while you wait. 

Still need a design done for my new Niteflirt & to update my C4S. $end Motivation$.

Finally, I'll be teaching the 4th section of INDUSTRIAL COMPLEX with Lauren Chief Elk. The class will be held online on *TUESDAY* July 17th @ 9pm EST. We are using a Pay-what-you-wish policy w a minimum tuition of $12. We use any overages to fund scholarship spots for students and people with low-income, as well as to fund admin help to produce this class more frequently. 

You can sign up for class here:

If you'd like to inquire about receiving or funding a scholarship, pls Inquire via email:

industrial complex interlocking systems

By the way, my cell phone is on 24/'s just that it might at times require its own budget line item. You understand. <3

Alright, kids. What do you have for me? 

Xx, Smith.


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It's finally happened. We've all seen this coming for a while, given the state of technofascism under which we currently exist. But the impotent cowards at twitter have finally banned my account @BARDOTSMITH. The specific reason is not important (I told some rapey bitch hobbyist account to seppuku, if you must know), but the technique of inconsistently enforcing their TOS to ban radicals, queers, activists, and whores is apparent daily now. 

We've been watching as sites that built their platform on the backs of adult producers, cow to the demands of their "investors." (Investors, by the way, who FREQUENTLY patronize sex workers). These platforms would not have had the traction that they had in order to secure investment in the first place without us. They are cowards, and traitors to their own generation. 

Their blood must not be spared in this revolution.

With the internet being nearly HALF adult content and search traffic...The HYPOCRISY of contorting the web's development in ways that make it more difficult for individual producers to monetize their content while loudly screaming about INNOVATION and THE NEW ECONOMY is STUNNING.

Beyond that, it is THEFT. 

These companies are able to use our traffic flows to monetize their products and services, while we are expected to starve for the privilege. 

In 2015, I wrote about tech & finance's looming interoperability for the now-defunct MODEL VIEW CULTURE. NOW, As adult content creators are pushed off of financial technology, we lose access to the very SYSTEM of financial services that allow us to function in society. 

This is a modern form of redlining, and you BEST BELIEVE that it is the model for marginalization of other populations. 

This isn't even about sex work fundamentally. It is about whether or not a centralized, privately owned technology company has the right to decide whether you are "allowed" to charge and accept money for anything that you do or make. The amazing fuckery of the situation can be evidenced in the failure of free-market enthusiasts to spend a breath on this issue. Capitalism commoditizes everything about us, especially our time and bodies. Defaulting suddenly to a moralistic argument when (predominantly) women/queer/poc stand to benefit in ways that society deems them unworthy of benefit should tell you all you need to know about what's happening here. 


In response to GIVE YOUR MONEY TO WOMEN, so many misguided responses involve schadenfreude / envy over the fact that its creators were getting money "for nothing," and many people lashed out defensively saying they would use fintech to accept payments for their "real" work but that demanding reparations/tribute/ or paywalling access to ourselves  was "greedy." You have all missed the point, and, as I said then, you would catch up eventually. We are poised on the the brink of war over our right to survive. 

Without having the same access to technology that every single civilian has, we are further marginalized. I fought for every person's right to paywall and monetize content, only to be met with sophomoric analysis and the variety of poorly sublimated-envy I've been working against my entire life. It's time to move beyond your experience of ME and deal with the information that I present. I've proven my forecasting abilities again and again. I'll not defend them anymore. I know what I'm saying, I can see where most cant. I'm never going to be sorry about.

I'm never going to shut up.

My new twitter account is @ICONOCLASTIAE, and shortly my tweet archive from @bardotsmith will be mirrored in html FOREVER. I know I have influenced many people to demand more for themselves, and if that alone renders me an outlaw, so be it. I was born a revolutionary, every abuse I've defeated has brought me to this point. I accept this. Come what may.

Beneath this mask there is more than flesh, Beneath this mask there is an idea, Mr. Creedy, and ideas are bulletproof.

When I began writing under @bardotsmith at the end of 2013, I knew that the world would always be able to dismiss any individual woman's perspective...but that in creating virality out of my letting them live outside of me and beyond me, they would auto-propagate, and take hold in others. They would outlive me. 

This has never been about a name.
The last thing they want is for us to realize how powerful we are.
I want you to understand this, too.

xx, Ms Smith


  • I WILL BE IN LOS ANGELES FROM JULY 14-20. I have limited time for appointments, good boys can also offer to take care of errands and tasks for me while I'm there. 
  • You can also sign up for my newsletter here
  • Lauren Chief Elk and I will also be teaching the 4th installment of INDUSTRIAL COMPLEX, called INTERLOCKING SYSTEMS. Stay tuned to twitter or this space for an announcement. 


BIG ASS UPDATE PRE/POST JUNE 25, 2018 by sciarra

Because the fascists are making it harder to reach you using social media, I will, like a recidivist, begin blogging again as a way to keep you up to date, and, you know, leave SEO roots. 

Moving on.

The plan is simple: 

Sunday PRE/POST an update on the week past and what's is coming. I'll hit you with practical information while you're fresh and relatively free of despair for the week ahead. 

Wednesday: Content update. Clips / films / photos / links out to other projects...

When I feel like it: Features....whatever I decide. Just sit and eat your food. 

LAST WEEK, escort and indie pornographer Liara Roux organized an Sex Work AMA on Reddit

More than 60 sex workers, activists, researchers, and law makers gathered to answer questions from .... anyone on our work and lives, prescriptions for recent legislation (FOSTA/SESTA) that's been negatively impacting (threatening) our lives and livelihood. 

It was a challenging experience in that we were bombarded with people who were clearly there to abuse sex workers (who they see as other, less than human, or brainwashed victims...). Not everyone casually encountering the thread was aware of the stereotypes we combat every day in our lives, I noticed, and some civilians had trouble detecting SWERFy and TERFy leading questions. Suffice to say, if they weren't there to learn, I wasn't there to teach them...  😈

I tried to tie up trolls as much as possible (we all have our talents...) and answer a few questions myself. While there were some problems, overall, a productive digital artifact of sex work left on an internet that seems increasingly willing to erase our existences. Thanks to Liara for extending her platform to so many people.

The Courtesan Iconoclast.

A trip to Manhattan last month yielded a new round of filming...

Sales suggest these were particularly devastating...Focusing on erotic hypnosis, brainwashing, conditioning, financial domination, psychological bondage, chastity, and deep submission. After a round of equipment upgrades, I'm pleased w the results...But I'm not done. 

Exclusives available through IWantClips.
(Plus, the best payout amongst the adult processors: So...SENDMY.CASH)


Speaking of Niteflirt...I am out of storage on my main account. I suggest boys transition over to IWC if possible...If not, I will be starting a second NF for the overflow, but it's a low priority so send cash and don't hold your breath. 


Every lady likes gifts and I am no exception. If you'd like some ideas, visit my WORSHIP page.

For practical gifts: Amazon
Digital/Hardware: Apple
Sartorial: Net-a-Porter
MISC / $$ processor: DeliveryCode

Cash, of course, remains a superlative gift.. Transitive properties and all. You understand. 

Summer Plans:

As usual, I continue to have limited availability for 1:1 engagements, whether that be by phone, video, or in person. Please be efficient and appropriately generous in your communications to this end to ensure a favorable outcome. 

Twitter is the most public-facing format I use, although it is not an appropriate venue to seek conversation with me @ your discretion. I have also recently begun working w a competent assistant again to get some back-burnered projects moving. Too many ideas and not enough arms... Look for a resurrection of both INDUSTRIAL COMPLEX class series (w Lauren Chief Elk, and others) and ICONOCLAST PREP. While the site is down, you may still book coaching sessions with me through my scheduling site. 

Admirers & Litigants:

  • You may call me on my verified line.
  • My chat IDs are also available for purchase in my shops. 

Given the peril of our new digital age, I recommend signing up for my (v infrequent) NEWSLETTER where you will find the fourth wall broken. Events/Travel/Initiations/Releases

I will be mostly at the beach this summer, visiting NYC and Boston.
LA in the fall. Paris, maybe. Do your best. 

By the way...I shot over the  weekend. A tight, murderous stretch of film...I will release it as clips, but I might cut a short out of it and see where it goes. 

Say your prayers, of course. Pay your alms. 

xx, Ms Smith.